For accepted papers, authors should submit the final camera ready by 15th January 2022; further details are given in the instructions below:

Accepted Papers
  1. Register Online Here Please read carefully the following information concerning the registration procedure that is presented in the Author Instructions, especially if you are the prospective presenter of an accepted paper or if you need to guarantee inclusion of your accepted paper in the proceedings. An accepted paper will be published in the proceedings only if the full-fee registration payment for one of the authors is received and correctly processed by 15th January 2022. In addition, the author must submit a pre-recorded presentation to be included in the proceedings. Papers that do not have an accompanying video will not be published. 

    One author registration will cover the publication expenses of ONE accepted paper. For each additional accepted paper associated to the same registration, USD100/RM300 of contribution will be charged accordingly. In the case no registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings. NO PAPER WILL BE PUBLISHED WITHOUT THE AUTHOR’S COMPLETED REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT.
  2. How to make a new submission via easychair

    1. Create an EasyChair account, if you do not have one yet
    2. Follow the submission link from the conference Web site HERE
    3. Log in
    4. Click on “New Submission”
    5. Fill out the submission form and click on “Submit”

    Create an EasyChair Account
    To submit, you need an EasyChair account. If you do not have an EasyChair account, you should create one. If you already have an EasyChair account, ignore this step. You do not need a separate account for each conference to which you submit. Follow the Submission Link The conference you are submitting to should have a link to the EasyChair entry page for this conference.

***All accepted papers will be published in:
  1. TRACK 1-TRACK 6: AIP Conference Proceeding indexed by Scopus
  2. TRACK 7 (DIGITAL BUSINESS): Albukhary Social Business Journal indexed by MyJurnal (Malaysian Citation Centre)